Rock Your Socks with us and celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st
Grab your favorite pairs from our social enterprise shop and then.... mismatch them!
The idea of mismatched socks as well as the date, 3/21, signifies the uniqueness of the 3rd chromosome on chromosome number 21 in people with DS, also known as “Trisomy 21.” The condition is labeled “Down Syndrome” after Dr. John Langdon Down, the doctor who discovered it.
To help us celebrate we've recruited some friends! With every sock you purchase this month use the codes below for 10% off your purchase and proceeds also benefit these amazing organizations:
- CODE: DSACT (Down Syndrome Association of Connecticut)
- CODE: DDSROCK (Department of Developmental Services)
Shop now and benefit Harc, DSACT and DDS with every purchase until March 31st - that's right these codes are good until the end of the month!